ar X iv : c on d - m at / 9 31 20 89 v 1 2 2 D ec 1 99 3 Spin - gap formation in cuprates : gauge theory
We analyze the phase diagram of single and bi-layer cuprates using the gaugefield description of the t-J model. For T > TBE the in-plane fermion-pairing order parameter ∆‖ is eliminated by gauge field fluctuations, leading us to predict the absence of a spin-gap phase in single-layer cuprates. For bi-layer cuprates the inter-layer order parameter ∆⊥ is enhanced by spin correlations, and is less affected by gauge fluctuations. We believe that the spin gap in bi-layer materials is due to inter-layer fermion pairing, and that for these underdoped samples the superconducting gap may be nodeless. PACS numbers: 74.20.Mn, 75.10.Jm, 74.25.Nf Typeset using REVTEX
منابع مشابه
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